Welcome to our JROTC & ROTC Special Forces (Green Beret) Award of Excellence Program

PURPOSE:  Chapter 32-50 conducts a program offering the sale of Special Forces Award of Excellence certificate, medal, and ribbon to Senior and Junior ROTC programs  for presentation to deserving cadets.

PROGRAM  INTENT: To recognize outstanding cadets in the Junior and Senior ROTC (JROTC & ROTC) programs in as many high school or colleges around the nation. As stated in the SFA award certificate, it is an "Award of Excellence" to the "Distinguished Military Science Cadet" of a given ROTC/JROTC unit. Again as stated in the certificate, the standard for the cadet that has distinguished him or herself is as follows: "For Scholastic Excellence and Military Proficiency, in Keeping with the Traditions and Ideals of the U.S. Army Special Forces." The award is not limited to Army cadets, but cadets in Navy, Air Force, and Marine ROTC programs as well. Who gets the award is determined by the Senior Instructors (JROTC) or Professors of Military Science (ROTC) at the secondary or post-secondary school.

PROGRAM  OPERATION: The recognition program conducted by schools usually select a minimum of one award recipient for each school semester. The medal and ribbon is the SFA approved standard medal set to be used by all schools presenting Awards of Excellence. The medal is not intended to be used for any other purpose.  In addition to presenting the approved medal and ribbon, an award certificate (described below) is presented.

For more information and ordering instructions, go to our "ROTC Medal Program" webpage.

Chapter 32-50 also participates in the both the ROTC and JROTC Award of Excellence programs with universities, colleges and high schools located in Oklahoma.

To place an order for a Medal/Ribbon kit, please click

The Special Forces Association Award of Excellence was officially approved in paragraph 3-6 on pages 37-38 of the revised USACC Reg 672-5-1 Awards and Decorations published on September 14, 2022. Please click HERE to view the USACC Reg in full.